Hey Everybody
A lot has been going lately in the design thinking & Innovation fields.
Following are the sources which I found to be extremely useful.
Don Norman's post questioning the importance & relevance of design research for breakthrough Innovation has caused quite a spur.
Here is the link to Don Norman's Article (Check here)
1. Adam Richardso (Check here)
2. Bruce Nussbaum's reply (Check here)
1. Check this amazing post by Brian Collins explaining the role of a design through a tale of a donkey & a banjo (Check here)
2. Venessa Miemis wrote about what is design thinking. check her article here (Check here)
3. Bruce MacGregor (managing partner IDEO) wrote an amazing article on how does design thinking give companies a competitive advantage? (Check here)
1. JWT Intelligence posted a list of 100 things to watch in 2010 (Check here)
2. Interesting talk by Kiran Bir Sethi on Ted about the Riverside School in India explaining how the school is teaching kids to believe in themselves & take initiative.(Check here)
3. CES just got over. Here is a link highlighting some of the main features at this year's CES (Check here)
Photo source : JWT 100 things to watch in 2010 (link)